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These are challenging times. We are all pivoting and adjusting to live the best lives we can and help others in the process. That’s why I decided to turn to Telehealth as a way to provide care to new clients and continued care to existing clients.

I had my concerns and doubts, as many of you probably have. I was pleasantly surprised and have had an overall positive experience, minus the occasional tech glitches (!)

The positives far outweigh the negatives I imagined. There is a lot to be said for the freedom of no travel time to and from an office, gas savings, and less wear and tear on your vehicle. If you have mobility issues or concerns about leaving your house, Telehealth is a good fit.

Telehealth is very effective for many mental health challenges but it is not appropriate for others such as someone who is experiencing visual or audio hallucinations, having thoughts of suicide or self-harm and thinking about acting on those. These and other conditions may need emergency resources that can physically provide help or get you to a place you will receive emergency help.

If you are looking for a therapist who provides Telehealth as an option to address the current pandemic situation and beyond, I hope you will put me on your list of therapists to consider.

I am here and ready to help provide the care you need at the time you need it, NOW.