How Brainspotting Therapy Works
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How Brainspotting Therapy Works

How Brainspotting Therapy Works

Brain-spotting certified therapist
Brainspotting therapy allows me to follow your lead. I’ll pick up the clues that you’re giving in order to help you find out where to look to tap into where you’re hurting. This can streamline things for you to get the relief you need.

Where you look matters… imagine your eyes looking upward as you “search” in the “file cabinets” of your mind as you are recalling something to share with a friend. This is the same process that’s happening when you find a Brainspot. I can help you tap into one of these “file cabinets” that is storing trapped traumatic experiences. Brainspotting identifies an eye position that triggers and releases these emotions. Brainspotting promotes both mental and physical healing by regulating the brain’s control of the body. It is in this way the brain can be stimulated to heal itself from the inside. Brainspotting is based on the profound attunement of therapist with the client, finding a somatic clue and extinguishing it by down-regulating the amygdala.

There’s no reason to go through grief and trauma alone.

Give me a call or contact me for a FREE 15 minute consultation to see if I am a good fit for what you are going through.